Hej, my name is Yifan Liu
Current student at
Uppsala University.

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I'm a software engineer living in the city of Uppsala.
Currently, I'm completing my master's degree at Uppsala University, majoring in Embedded Systems. Before coming to Sweden, I have worked for three years as a software engineer, mainly developing industrial software.
A most recent one is working in a startup company developing software for semiconductor manufacturing equipment, which is quite challenging. Not only that, I need to be versatile at that startup company, but also the semiconductor industry needs the software to be highly reliable and retraceable.

All those experiences helped me develop strong communication skills and the ability to perform under pressure.

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Semiconductor sorting equipment

A piece of equipment that can move semiconductor wafers around and align them, get the identification code of each wafer by scanning their laser code.
The software uses WPF and WCF frameworks, C# and .NET frameworks, running on a windows machine. We used the MVVM technique to separate UI from backend codes.

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Semiconductor spin scrubber

Similar to the sorter equipment, but more complex. It a cluster of different process equipment, and our job is to control the workflow of this cluster.

SCADA software of a dredging vessel

A SCADA software, using WPF framework as well as WCF framework, under a C/S structure. The most challenging task of this project is that we also need to integrate a nautical chart and position the vessel using two GPS devices. Also, we need to create a real-time 3D graph to show the construction process.

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